Community Engagement

Community engagement is a cornerstone of Restorative Justice.

Contact us today to give your community a hand. Call (612)746-0780 to get connected with us!

Ways you can get involved:
Observe:  a community conference
Participate:  in a community conference
Facilitate:  get training to guide community conferences
Lead:  apply for a board or committee position
Interpret:  translators are sometimes needed for community conferences

Community Members: Community members support the process by providing a community perspective. Using open conversation, all participants discuss the impact of behaviors, root causes, and-through consensus-create ways to repair harm.

There is no formal training required for community members. The first step for those looking to become community members is to observe a community conference. Community conferences typically last up to two hours, and participants can decide how often they would like to participate. Currently, conferences are offered on Zoom or in-person.

Conference Facilitators: One to two trained facilitators guide each community conference, ensuring fairness in the process. Volunteers receive training in facilitating restorative group conferences using nationally recognized curriculum.

Board of Directors: As a board member, you can play a significant role in the leadership process and help support our mission.

Interpreter: Translation of material and conferences.