Category: News

  • Weekly Quotes 01.29.16



    “This program gives you a chance to restore positive values back into your community with your positive actions. Stepping back into the community with a positive role, impact those youth who think they are above the law.” -Past RJCA Participant “By getting to hear other people’s stories and getting more knowledge on the crime I…

  • Weekly Quotes 01.22.16

    “I would definitely recommend this program, I think it’s much more helpful to improve actions based on individual strengths. Because of this program I got a recovery coach, I set goals, and am now working on improving the community through volunteering with others recovering from addiction as well. I much prefer this process to a…

  • Weekly Quotes 01.15.16

    “The successful outcome & listening to participant’s discussion of his processing benefitted me as a community member. It is interesting that the participant said that being involved in the Restorative Justice process kept him from re-offending!” -RJCA Community Member “RJCA helped me learn about food programs in the area.” -Past RJCA Participant

  • Weekly Quotes 01.08.16

    “I would recommend this program to other people in my position – I think that it really gives a sense of giving back and righting wrongs that have been done to the community. I felt a sense of peace with my wrongs and really felt good about the deeds I completed to right them after…