Adult Programs

A restorative community conference is a face-to-face or virtual meeting between the person(s) harmed/community, the person who caused harm, individuals who support each party, and others who have been affected by the incident. Led by a trained facilitator, this encounter seeks to identify, repair, and prevent harm based in values of meaningful accountability. Participation of the community and/or persons harmed is completely voluntary, and participation of the referred participant is based upon their willingness and readiness. Conferences focus on empowering the participants by looking at underlying causes to co-create a restorative agreement to be completed in a timely manner.

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Conferencing Program:

RJCA is the only Restorative Justice adult diversion program in the

Twin Cities. Its Community Conferencing Program trains volunteers who facilitate conferences in which referred participants meet with

community members and any direct person(s) who have been directly harmed.

This process includes four steps:

1) Intake — A phone conversation to determine eligibility.

2) Orientation — An in-person or virtual meeting that describes the process more fully, provides opportunity for questions, and enrolls the participant in the program.

3) Community Conference —

  • Introductions and Overview – Procedures reviewed; incidents reviewed; admission of responsibility
  • Discussion of Impact – Person who caused harm describes the offense; community members, supporters, and any direct victims tell how the harmful behavior impacted them and their community
  • Repairing Harm – The group as a whole works together to establish an agreement for restitution to harmed person and/or community, decided by consensus, including details of local service projects
  • Closing – Final comments; agreement signatures; refreshments and socializing.

4) Agreement Completion— Each referred participant has 2 months from the date of the conference to complete the agreement.

Restorative Process:

RJCA developed a process to address individual conflicts/harms based on the Victim Offender Dialogue model of the MN Department of Corrections.

Volunteer facilitators are trained in the state VOD process and

paired facilitators are assigned to each case.

The RJCA process includes:

1) Preparation Meetings — Each primary party will meet with facilitators to discuss concerns, harms, and expectations. Preparatory meetings will continue until both parties agree they are ready to meet face-to-face.

2) Face to Face Meetings — Parties and their supporters will meet for a face-to-face dialogue. More than one meeting may be needed to come to conclusion.

3) Conclusion — Both parties come to consensus around an agreement of reparation or closure


RJCA’s reparative agreements often include provisions that address root causes of criminal behavior and provide alternatives for meeting the offender’s needs along with restitution in some form to the community. Counseling, chemical health assessments, and education are common personal development provisions included in the agreements.